Mathieu-type Series for the aleph-function Occuring in Fokker-Planck Equation


  • Ram K. Saxena
  • Tibor K Pogany Faculty of Maritime Studies University of Rjeka Croatia


I-function, Dirichlet series, H-function, Fox-Wright function, Laplace integral representation for Dirichlet series, Mathieu a-series, Mellin-Barnes type integrals, Mittag-Leffler function


Closed form expressions are exposed for a family of convergent Mathieu type a-series and its alternating variant, whose terms contain an -function, which naturally occurs in certain problems associated with driftless Fokker-Planck equation with power law diffusion \cite{SBN2}. The -function is a generalization of the familiar H-function and the I-function. The results derived are of general character and provide an elegant generalization
for the closed form expressions the Mathieu-type series associated with the H--function by Pog\'any \cite{P1}, for Fox-Wright functions by Pog\'any and Srivastava \cite{PS} and for generlized hypergeometric pFq and Meijer's G-function by Pog\'any and Tomovski \cite{PT2}, and others. For the H-function \cite[p. 216]{MSH}
the results are obtained very recently by Pog\'any and Saxena \cite{PSax1}.

Author Biography

  • Tibor K Pogany, Faculty of Maritime Studies University of Rjeka Croatia
    Department of Sciences Full professor, permanent position






Special Issue on Complex Analysis: Theory and Applications

How to Cite

Mathieu-type Series for the aleph-function Occuring in Fokker-Planck Equation. (2010). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 3(6), 980-988.