Compact Soft Multi Spaces


  • Ismail Osmanoglu Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Letters Nevsehir University
  • Deniz Tokat Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Letters Nevsehir University


Soft multiset, Soft multi function, Soft multi topology, Soft multi compactness.


In this work, rst we recall the concepts of soft multiset and soft multi topology.Then, we examine the concept of soft multi function which is dened between two soft multiclasses. Finally, we introduce soft multi compactness on soft multi topological spaces and givebasic denitions and theorems about it.

Author Biographies

  • Ismail Osmanoglu, Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Letters Nevsehir University
    Ismail Osmanoglu is a Masters student of Mathematics at Nevsehir University.
  • Deniz Tokat, Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Letters Nevsehir University

    Deniz Tokat is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Nevsehir University. He received his doctorate in Topology from Erciyes University. His research interests include general topology and categorical topology.





How to Cite

Compact Soft Multi Spaces. (2014). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 7(1), 97-108.