On Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields with Certain Fundamental Discriminants


  • Ayten Pekin Istanbul University, faculty of sciences, department of mathematics
  • Aydin Carus


quadratic number field, class number


Let $N$ denote the sets of positive integers and $D \inN$ be square free,and let $\chi_D$ ,  $h = h(D)$ denote the non-trivial Dirichlet character, the class number of the real quadratic eld $K = Q\sqrt(D)$, respectively ONO, proved the theorem in [8] by applying Sturm's Theorem on the congruence of modular form to Cohen's half integral weight modular forms. Later, Dongho Byeon proved a theorem and corollary in [1] by rening Ono' methods. In this paper, we will give a theorem for certain real quadratic fields. by considering  above mentioned studies. To do this, we shall obtain an upper bound different from current bounds for $L(1; \chi_D)$ and use Dirichlet's class number formula.


























Number Theory

How to Cite

On Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields with Certain Fundamental Discriminants. (2015). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 8(4), 526-529. https://ejpam.com/index.php/ejpam/article/view/2420