On New Classes of Soft Sets and Functions via Supra Preopen Sets


  • Fatouh Gharib
  • M. Ezzat Mohamed
  • A. I. El-Maghrabi


Supra soft topological space, Supra A-soft sets, Supra soft P-locally closed sets, Supra SPLC-continuous functions.


In this paper, we generalize the notions of supra soft locally closed sets and
supra soft -locally closed sets [2] by using the notions of supra pre-open soft sets. Especially, we introduce the notions of supra soft P-locally closed sets, supra soft P-locally closed sets and supra soft P-locally closed sets in supra soft topological spaces. Also, we discuss their relationships with other supra open soft sets in detail, supported by examples and counterexamples. These examples illustrating the notions used in the paper are included. So we can see that all these concepts are independent from each other or does implies the other. Also, we introduce three dierent notions of generalized supra soft continuity, namely supra SPLC-continuous functions, supra SPLC-continuous functions and supra SPLC-continuous functions. Furthermore, we obtain decompositions of supra soft continuity.




How to Cite

On New Classes of Soft Sets and Functions via Supra Preopen Sets. (2017). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 10(4), 835-849. https://ejpam.com/index.php/ejpam/article/view/3028