Voting Method Based on an Average Gap Assessment


  • Zoinabo Savadogo University Joseph Ki-Zerbo
  • Abdoulaye Compaore University Norbert ZONGO
  • Pegdwinde Ousseni Fabrice Ouedraogo University Ouaga 1 Pr Joseph Ki Zerbo



Voting method, median, medium difference, vote by assent.


The theory of social choice is the study of voting methods. In the literature many
studies have been conducted for the development of a fair voting system, that is to say a voting method that allows to aggregate the individual preferences in a collective preference representing in the most possible faithfull way individual preferences. Yet some voting methods do not allow to obtain a consensus. So there are a lot of paradoxes in electoral systems and related results in the theory of social choice are also paradoxical. This is the case, for example, with Arrow’s theorem showing that no voting method can simultaneously verify a restricted list of  roperties that are desirable in a democratic political system. That is to mean that the search for a system that makes it possible to reach a consensus remains a concern in the theory of social choice. In this article we have combined various voting methods based on grading, scoring or approving to contribute to literature with a new voting system filling fair properties.

Author Biographies

  • Zoinabo Savadogo, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo
    UFR/SEA, Departement of Mathematics
  • Abdoulaye Compaore, University Norbert ZONGO
    Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
  • Pegdwinde Ousseni Fabrice Ouedraogo, University Ouaga 1 Pr Joseph Ki Zerbo
    UFR/SEA, Departement of mathematics






Nonlinear Analysis

How to Cite

Voting Method Based on an Average Gap Assessment. (2019). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 12(3), 1176-1186.