Some New Oscillation Results for Fourth-Order Neutral Differential Equations


  • Osama Moaaz Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University
  • Clemente Cesarano Prof. Clemente Cesarano Section of Mathematics Uninettuno University
  • Ali Muhib Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Ibb University



Fourth-order dfferential equations, Neutral delay, Oscillation


By employing the Riccati substitution technique, we establish new oscillation criteria
for a class of fourth-order neutral differential equations. Our new criteria complement a number of existing ones. An illustrative example is provided.

Author Biography

  • Clemente Cesarano, Prof. Clemente Cesarano Section of Mathematics Uninettuno University

    Clemente Cesarano is associate professor of Numerical Analysis - MAT / 08 at Uninettuno University,
    Rome Italy, where he is coordinator of the doctoral college in Technological Innovation Engineering,
    coordinator of the Mathematics Section, vice-dean of the Faculty of Engineering, president of the
    Degree Course in Management Engineering, director of the Master in Project Management Techniques,
    teaching coordinator of the Master in Applied and Industrial Mathematics.
    He is also a member of the Research Project “Modeling and Simulation of the Fractionary and Medical
    Centerâ€, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and head of the national group from 2015; a
    member of the Research Project (Serbian Ministry of Education and Science) “Approximation of Integral
    and Differential Operators and Applicationsâ€, University of Belgrade (Serbia) and coordinator of the
    national group from 2011-), a member of the Doctoral College in Mathematics at the Department of
    Mathematics of the University of Mazandaran (Iran) and thesis co-supervisor from 2016, scientific
    expert (Reprise) at the Ministry of Education, University and Research, for the ERC sectors: Analysis,
    Operator algebras and functional analysis, Numerical analysis.
    Clemente Cesarano is Honorary Fellows of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials, affiliated
    to the National Institute of High Mathematics (INdAM), is affiliated to the International Research Center
    for the “Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems†(MEMOCS) - University of L'Aquila, associate
    of the CNR at the Institute of Complex Systems (ISC), affiliated to the “Research ITalian network on
    Approximation (RITA)†network as head of the Uninettuno office, UMI member, SIMAI member.
    Clemente Cesarano has published more than 90 articles on international journals and has also
    partecipated as speaker or invited speaker to many conference in Europe. He has been teaching in
    different universities in Italy and Europe and has been visiting professor at the University of Linz
    (Austria) and the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).






Nonlinear Analysis

How to Cite

Some New Oscillation Results for Fourth-Order Neutral Differential Equations. (2020). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13(2), 185-199.