S-invariant Termwise Addition of Reactions Via Reaction Vector Multiples (STAR-RVM) Transformation






Chemical Reactions Network Theory, power law kinetics, Reaction Vector Multiples, poly-pl kinetics


Interest in connecting Chemical Reactions Network Theory (CRNT) and evolutionary game theory (EGT) arise viewing the tools of network in the analysis of evolutionary games. Here, the evolution of population species is studied as a biological phenomenon and describing the rate of such changes through a replicator system becomes a focus. A set of polynomial kinetics (POK) may then be introduced for the realization of this replicator system and this is based on the polynomial payoff functions defined in the game. These polynomial kinetics result in polynomial dynamical systems of ordinary differential equations, which are used in analyzing strategies that prove beneficial under certain conditions. From the CRNT point of view, it now becomes interesting to study a superset of POK, which we call poly-PL kinetics (PYK). This set is formed by getting nonnegative linear combinations of power law functions. Thus, PYK contains the set PLK of power law kinetics as mono-PL kinetics with coefficient 1. Seeing this connection between CRNT and EGT and what are known about power law kinetics, we take an interest in studying PYK systems. This paper aims to analyze different ways of transforming PYK to PLK in order to explore some approaches for CRNT analysis of PYK systems. Specifically, we study a network structure-oriented transformations using the S-invariant term-wise addition of reactions (STAR) Via Reaction Vector Multiples (RVM) that transform PYK to PLK systems.




How to Cite

S-invariant Termwise Addition of Reactions Via Reaction Vector Multiples (STAR-RVM) Transformation. (2023). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 16(4), 2557-2580. https://doi.org/10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v16i4.4859