Analyzing the Impact of Control Strategies on VisceralLeishmaniasis: A Mathematical Modeling Perspective


  • Fathelrhman EL Gumaa
  • Mohamed A. Abdoon
  • Ahmad Qazza
  • Rania Saadeh Zarqa University
  • Mohammed Ali Arishi
  • Abdoelnaser M. Degoot



Mathematical Analysis, Disease dynamics, Parameters estimation, reproductive number, Intervention.


Visceral Leishmaniasis remains a significant public health challenge in eastern Sudan despite extensive control efforts. This study employs MCMC Bayesian inference techniques to fit a mathematical model for studying visceral Leishmaniasis transmission dynamics with interventions. The research focuses on evaluation of control programs to adapt to the dynamic nature of visceral
Leishmaniasis transmission. We analyze 22 years of cumulative visceral Leishmaniasis cases from eastern Sudan, an endemic region for visceral Leishmaniasis, and assessed the effectiveness of interventions implemented thus far. The results reveal that visceral Leishmaniasis is prevalent, with reported cases representing less than 20% of community infections. Improved surveillance and diagnostics are necessary for accurately estimating the disease burden. The effectiveness of intervention strategies for vector control for reducing VL transmission in the region is found to be limited. Furthermore, the model predicts visceral Leishmaniasis cases will continue to increase in the near future, underscoring the need adaptable initiatives to reduce the disease burden.






Nonlinear Analysis

How to Cite

Analyzing the Impact of Control Strategies on VisceralLeishmaniasis: A Mathematical Modeling Perspective. (2024). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 17(2), 1213-1227.