Numerical Simulation for Obtaining Advanced Engineering Applications Through an Important Fluid Problem


  • Ali H. Tedjani
  • Mohamed M. Khader



Heat and mass fluxes, Casson fluid, Liquid thin film, Porous medium, Heat generation, Chebyshev-spectral collocation technique; , Optimization algorithm;


The current work examines the transfer of heat/mass in a thin liquid film (TLF) with high viscosity on a surface that is continuously stretching. Through thorough mathematical modeling, a system of PDEs is established. The application of appropriate similarity transformations results in the formulation of a set of nonlinear ODEs from the original system of PDEs. Here, we introduce a reliable numerical technique to analyze the solution characteristics of the proposed problem. This technique depends on applying shifted Chebyshev polynomials of the sixth-order (SCP6s). Initially, we obtain an approximate expression for the derivatives by using SCP6s. In this study, we employ a spectral collocation procedure, leveraging the unique characteristics of
SCP6s. This approach enables the transformation of the presented problem into a set of nonlinear algebraic equations. Notably, we emphasize the presentation of specific theorems that pertain to examining the convergence of the proposed approximation technique. Our present findings exhibit a remarkable concurrence with the investigations that have been previously reported.






Nonlinear Analysis

How to Cite

Numerical Simulation for Obtaining Advanced Engineering Applications Through an Important Fluid Problem. (2025). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 18(1), 5463.